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In this world we are living “nothing is impossible”. Everything can be achieved!

In this world, we are living “nothing is impossible”. Everything can be achieved !. We can have the body we always sound or change any aspect of our face that we do not like.

Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian, and even Pipa Middleton have fashioned the backside. Not only the great but also the well-formed and attractive. Gone is the fashion of super skinny women. Today we greet the curves; more breasts, but breasts. Yes! If you want to have a bigger but attractive back, this can be achieved with a surgical procedure called “Brazilian Butt Lift”.

We talked to Dr. German Newall about this new procedure. A doctor can explain what the Brazilian Butt Lift consists of? The Brazilian Butt Lift is a procedure in which fat is injected into the buttocks to enlarge and/or change the shape of the buttocks. This procedure is accompanied by liposuction from where the necessary fat is obtained.

So with this procedure, we have more than one benefit? If, with this procedure, fat is removed from areas where it is leftover and it is injected into the buttocks, achieving the desired voluminous effect. In turn, when you inject the fat you are given the shape you want.

Generally, the most common areas where fat is removed are the waist, abdomen, hips, and legs. Many times, even when performing liposuction of the abdomen, a liposculpture is done that leaves the abdomen with that marked appearance that is only obtained with many abdominal exercises.

Also, this fat is often used to inject it into the face. Achieving thus more voluptuous lips or filling the cheeks, returning that youthful effect that is lost with the years.

Doctor and as soon as the recovery time? As with any surgical procedure, rest and no strenuous exercise or exertion are recommended until after six weeks.

These procedures are less risky each day. Even with anesthesia, many advances have been made that make it less risky than before. This Brazilian Butt Lift procedure can totally change a person’s body. As Dr. Newall explained, in a single procedure the person can get rid of extra fat in unwanted areas. In turn, this same fat can be used to round off our derriere and rejuvenate the face. Also, you can get a flat and defined abdomen that you only get with hours of exercise and a proper diet.

Despite the wonderfulness of these procedures, it is recommended that once performed maintain a healthy diet and perform exercises. This will help them keep the surgery done. Like everything, if we surrender … those results can be lost.

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